In Vuokrakodit’s possession there are terraced house areas with 380 apartments total in several addresses. Over half of the apartments have a sauna. All the apartments are located in the densely built-up town area within a 3-km radius at most from the services of the town centre.
Inquiries on issues about rental apartments for the elderly, retired and disabled also at Nivalan Vanhustenkotiyhdistys, Home for the Elderly Association in Nivala,
Our office is situated on address:
Kyntäjäntie 1
85500 Nivala
Telephone: 044 0457 430
The office is open from Mondays to Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. (other times by agreement).
Real Estate Secretary, tel. 044 0457 430
Managing Director, tel. 044 4457 431
Property management worker
Firstly fill in the application form (printable) and enclose an account of income or a study certificate, or fill in an electronic application form with care. Unfortunately we are unable to handle insufficient applications. When applying online, please send us the enclosures after having received a conditional apartment offer and before signing the tenancy agreement.
Please note that the apartment application as well as the apartment exchange application is kept valid during three (3) months starting from the date of filing. Be an active applicant. After having filed the application, it is a good thing to be in contact with us by telephone and to tell about your situation.
Please inform us if you get an apartment elsewhere so that we do not keep you in vain on our lists.
After having received a rental apartment and surely already when applying it, you can take a closer view of Kela’s (the social insurance institution of Finland) web sites about housing.
The rent payment date is the 5th day of the current month. Rent must be paid strictly by the due date. We charge a fee of 5 euros for a payment request + penalty interest. The penalty interest for late payments is now 9.5%.
Toimisto on avoin arkisin klo 10.00-15.00.
Voit soittaa meille tai laittaa WhatsApp-viestä numeroihin:
Kaarina 044 0457 430
Matti 044 3457 430
Simo 044 0457 431
Ilmoita kiireettömät huollot ja korjaustoivomukset tämän järjestelmän kautta.
Kiireellisesti korjausta vaativista töistä voit soittaa kiinteistönhoitajalle numeroon 044 7420 317.
© Kiinteistö Oy Nivalan Vuokrakodit 2025